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Reporting Defects/Issues


The council is reponsible for most of the street furniture in the village. For example; 19 Lamp posts, the bus shelter, notice board and bench, 3 village signs and flower boxes. If you notice any faults or want to suggest improvements with these assets or any other village amenities please contact the Parish Council. See 'Contact Us'


Street Lighting


The street lights are indiviually labelled e.g LP06. Please view Village Lighting Plan. or List



Footpaths can quickly deteriorate, can become blocked, styles get broken etc. Please advise us of any issues around the parish. We have contacts at the NYCC which can help keep our rights of way in good order. Follow this link to the NYCC master map which shows all footpaths and rights of way in North Yorkshire.


Each path is individually numbered. For this, please view Ryther Parish Map

Did You Know?


All repairs which are the responsibility of Ryther PC are paid for out of the precept - we all pay! For every £100 the PC spends, each family pays approximately £1.

Did You Know?


The Council formally meets 6 times each year usually the first Monday every other month starting from January


How to get things on the Agenda

For items to be discussed by the council they must be on the Meeting Agenda. Agenda items can be submitted by any Councillor at least 4 working days before each meeting to allow for the Agenda to be published in a timely manner. 


The Clerk will also collect agenda items and propose them to the councillors as agenda items. The Clerk is therefore a good point of contact.

Did You Know?

There is a Public Participation session at the start of each meeting. Comments cannot be acted on during that meeting but may be added to the next Meeting Agenda

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